Hi! I’m Darya, a Data Scientist & Professional Educator. I work at the University of Sydney’s Informatics Hub as a data science consultant, supporting researchers from across the university by solving their big (and not-so-big) data problems. I also coordinate SIH’s data science training program, where I mentor staff in best teaching practices, develop and deliver advanced analytics training for researchers.
I’m passionate about using data to understand the world, and love solving real problems using data science, machine learning, statistics and high-performance/cloud computing. I’ve had a lot of amazing opportunities in my life, and my way of giving back to the universe for them is to train and teach.
I’m proud to be a Carpentries Instructor and Trainer and have been a maintainer and mentor in the past. I’m also an RStudio certified trainer; reach out to me here if you’re interested in custom corporate training.
I spent over a decade as a biomedical scientist before joining the “dark side”. I hold a PhD in Genomics and Bioinformatics from the University of Queensland, where I investigated novel ncRNA transcription in human and mouse stem cell and nervous system development. I’ve also done a PostDoc at the Centenary Institute, investigating alternative splicing dynamics and regulation. You can have a look at my papers here.